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The Coins of the Indian sultanates

By Stan Goron and J P Goenka

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Munshiram Manoharlal

The Coins of the Indian sultanates covering the area of present day India Pakistan and Bangladesh

The Art of Indian Asia 2 volumes

By Heinrich Zimmer

Price : Rs6,000.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Bollingen Press

The Art of Indian Asia complete in 2 vols vol 1 Text and Vol 2 is plate 2nd edition published from Bollingen press original jacket and box packing super mint condition volume 1 text, with 466 pages. Volume 2,

Early Coinage of Bengal ( C 2nd Century BC to 10th Century AD) With notes on Harikela and Akara Coins

By S K Bose and Noman Nasir

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Mira Bose

Foreword, Preface, Geographical and Political Formations, Life of the People Early Bengal, Communication Waterways, Trade and Commerce Inland and Sea borne Routes, Circulation of Cowrie shells as medium of exchange, Bead and Ornaments, Early Coinage of Bengal Economic Zones

Flora of Kurung Kumey District Arunachal Pradesh

By  Edited by ParamJit Singh, Sudhansu S Das

Price : Rs1,528.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Botanical Survey of India

Introduction, Vegetation, silent Feautures of Flora of Kurung Kumey, Endemics and occurance of primitive Angiosperms, phytogeographic, significance, plant resources, threats and management option, preservation of the Flora, references, index to the Botanical Names

Environment and the Adivasi World

By Mahua Sarkar

Price : Rs495.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Alphabet Books

Time,nature Property Rights History of the Jhumur songs of India,Adivasi Worlds, past and Present day comparison of Nutritional status of Semi children in Perak malayasia, changing identities of the Tribal etc

Flora of Uttar Pradesh Vol 1 Ranunculaceaae Apiaceae

By K P Singh, K K Khanna & G P Sinha

Price : Rs996.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Botanical Survey of India

Foreword, Preface, Introduction, References, Key to the families, Systematic account, Index to Botanical Names, Index to Vernacular names

Art of Bengal : The Sculptures of the Mahananda-Karatoya Valley Vol. I

By Malaysankar Bhattacharya

Price : Rs850.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Institute of Oriental Studies

Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Siva : the divine Ascetic. 3. Surya : the divine Healer. 4. Visnu : the universal God. 5. Sakti : the universal mother. 6. The minor cults and the lesser divinities. 7. Manasa and the cult

A Tale of Tea Tokens

By S K Bose, Anjali Dutta, Jayanta Dutta

Price : Rs2,000.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : The Asiatic Society, Kolkata

Foreword, Prologue, Preface 1.Discovery of Tea Plants and Growth of Tea Industry in India,2. Beginning of Tea Plantation in Assam,3.Expansion of Tea Garden in India 4.Economic Condition of Assam at the Beginning British

Museums of Anthropological Survey of India

By Amit Kumar Ghosh Vinay Kumar Srivastava

Price : Rs800.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Anthropological Survey of India

Zonal Anthropological Museum, Port Blair Sub Regional Centre, Bastar, Jagdalpur Zonal Anthropological Museum,Mysore Zonal Anthropological Museum, Dehradun Zonal Anthropological Museum, Udaipur Zonal Anthropological Museum, Shillong Zonal Anthropological Museum, Kolkata

Rebellion 1857 A Selection

By Edited by Ananda Bhattacharya

Price : Rs395.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Radiance

Introduction. 1. History of the sepoy war/J.W. Kaye. 2. The history of the Indian mutiny/Charles Ball. 3. Eastern Bengal District gazetteer: Dacca/B.C. Allen. 4. Bengal District gazetteer: 24 parganas/L.S.S.O Malley. 5. Echoes of the Indian mutiny at Dacca. Report on

Epiphyllous Liverworts of Eastern Himalaya

By Monalisha Dey and D.K.Singh

Price : Rs2,336.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Botanical Survey of India

Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. 1. The study area. 2. General vegetation. 3. Review of literatures. 4. Materials and methods. 5. Floristic analysis. 6. Systematic treatment. 7. Metzgeriales. 8. Metzgeriaceae. 9. Porellales. 10. Radulaceae. 10. Frullaniaceae. 11. Jubulaceae. 12. Lejeuneaceae. 13.

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