

Geochronology of India - A Review

By Bhanumathi Ramakrishnan and Abhijit Ray

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Geological Survey of India

Introduction. I. Isotopic age of Peninsular and extra-Peninsular India: a review: 1. General. 2. Southern Granulite Terrain. 3. Karnataka/Dharwar Craton. 4. Transition zone. 5. Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. 6. Eastern Indian Craton. 7. Central Indian Precambrian. 8. Western and Northern Indian Precambrian. 9. Purana Basins. 10. Basic Dykes. 11. Deccan traps. 12. Himalaya. 13. Lesser Himalaya. 14. Higher Himalaya. 15. Trans-Himalaya ... More


Seismotectonic Atlas of India and Its Environs

By Sujit Dasgupta, Prabhas Pande, D. Ganguly

Price : Rs3,250.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Geological Survey of India

Foreword. Introduction. Legend. Seisat : 1. Western Himalayan Syntaxis between Kohistan Arc and Potwar Plateau. 2. Tibetan Plateau and Kashmir ... More


An Inventory of Major Landslides in Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalaya

By Chinmoy Paul and T.B. Ghoshal

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Geological Survey of India

G.S.I Sp. Pub. 94, 1. Slides along NH-31A. 2. Slides along Gangtok-Nathula Road. 3. Slides along North Sikkim Highway. 4. Slides along other major roads. 5. Slides along NH - 31A. 6. Slides along NH - 55. 7. Slides along SH - 12A. 8. Other slides. ... More


Catalogue of Fossils in the Museum at Siwalik Fossil Park, Saketi, Himachal Pradesh

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Geological Survey of India

Catalogue Series No. 8, Introduction. 1. Siwalik vertebrate fossil collection. 2. The Siwalik fossil park. 3. Life size models of pre-historic animals. Geology of Saketi Area: 4. Siwalik stratigraphy. 5. Fossils and samples in the Siwalik Fossil park. 6. List of fossils exhibited in the museum. 7. Description of fossils SFP/1 to SFP/263. 8. Stratigraphic distribution of the taxa recorded in the catalogue. Epilogue. References ... More

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