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New Release


Sruta Sutra of Aswalayana - with the commentary of Gargya

By Ramanarayana Vidyaratna

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : The Asiatic Society, Kolkata

The Grhya Sutra of Aswalayana , the people of Saunaka. Part of Rgveda. Samskaras Spiritual Practices The domestic ritual The laying of the three fires, the full and new moon, soma sacrifices.

Studies In Tara Tantra

By Parimal Kumar Dutta

Price : Rs2,800.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Punthi Pustak

Preface. Schemes of transliteration. 1. a. Introduction to Dasamahavidyas. b. Kali. c. Sodasi. d. Bhuvanesvari. e. Bhairavi. f. Chinnamasta. g. Dhumavati. h. Vagala. j. Matangi. j. Kamala. 2. Tara. 3. Tara worship. 4. Taratantram. 5. Taratantram in Saktapramoda. 6. Matrsadhakas

Colonial Emigration Acts 1837-1932 - Indentured Labour Slavery to Salvation

By Leela Gujadhar Sarup

Price : Rs6,750.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Aldrich International

Colonial Emigration Acts 1837-1932 - Indentured Labour Slavery to Salvation, with a brief history of India

Birds of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

By C Sivaperuman, G Gokulakrishnan, J dinesh and P.T. Rajan

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Zoological Survey of India

Egrets, Heron and Bitterns, Ibis, ducks and Teals, Raptors ( Diurnal) Raptors ( Nocturnal) ,Megapode, Pheasants, Rallids, Shorebirds, Pigeon and Doves, Parakeets, Cuckoos, Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters, Woodpecker

Flora Of North Andaman Islands

By Ashisho Mao Sudhansu Sekhar Dash

Price : Rs780.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Botanical Survey of India

In reference to six wildlife sanctuaries, A floristic data on Vascular plants of six wildlife sanctuaries. The book also provides data on important species which will help further sustainable utilization and conservation strategy.

Hindu Deities in Thailand An Iconographic Study

By A K Bhattacharyya

Price : Rs1,250.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : The Asiatic Society, Kolkata

Hindusim in Thailand, Hindu Deities in Mon-Dvaravati times, Hindu Deities Under the Srivijaya Kingdom, Hindu Deities in Lophuri times, Hindu Deities inSukjothai Era and its Style, Hindu Deities in lanna Art, Hindu Deities Ayutthaya Times, Hindu Deities Rattanakosin Bangkok

Organisation and Administration of Higher Secondary Education in Assam

By Dr Debahari Talukdar

Price : Rs450.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Sagnik Books, Kolkata

Introduction, Objective of Secondary Education, Stages of Education In India, Importance of Secondary Education, Principles Governing Scope of Higher Secondary Education, Principle of Continuity, Higher SEcondary Education in Assam, Educational Administration in Assam etc

Pratna Samiksha A Journal of Archaeology New Series Volume 4 Year 2013

By Nupur Dasgupta et al

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Centre for Archeological Studies & Training Eastern India

Explorations, Excavations, Epigraphy, Art, Architecture and Archaeometry Colour Plates 25 161pp

Sea Piracy and Maritime Terrorism in South and Southeast Asia : Implications for Regional Organizations

By Amrita Dey

Price : Rs425.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Minerva Associates

Preface. Introduction. 1. Analyzing sea piracy and maritime terrorism within the non-traditional security paradigm in South and Southeast Asia. 2. Regional cooperation to combat sea piracy and maritime terrorism in South and Southeast Asia: examining the role of multilateralism in

Rabindra Chitravali: Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore

By R Siva Kumar

Price : Rs20,000.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Pratikshan, Kolkata

4-volume boxed set, 2 volumes in each box, with a separate catalogue with thumbnail 14X 11.5 inches. Rabindra Chitravali brings together in four volumes the paintings of Rabindranth Tagore. The core of this corpus is his paintings in the Rabindra

Tagore the Father of Environmentalism : Tagore\'s Call to Save the World From Eco Disaster

By Paramesh Choudhury

Price : Rs750.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Sagnik Books, Kolkata

1. What is environmentalism? 2. The civilisation of the demons. 3. Globalisation without global consciousness. 4. Unity in diversity. 5. Rural and decentralised economy. 6. Conservation. 7. Reforesting the earth. 8. Green management and technologies. 9. Green technology is not

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose memorial Lectures Series volume 1

By Editor Subha Sankar Sarkar

Price : Rs495.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Alphabet Books

Foreword, Introduction, A Curtain Raiser, 1st Netaji Subhas Chandra bose memorial Lectures by sobhanlal Dutta gupta,Third Netaji Subhas chandra bose Lecture by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, Fourt netaji Subhas chandra bose Lecture Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. fifth and Sixth Lecture by bidyut chakraborty,

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