
Asiatic Society of Bangladesh


The Mahasthan Hoard II of Silver Punch-Marked Coins

By Bulbul Ahmed & Md. Noorul Islam

Price : Rs850.00 | $ 50.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Preface. Abbreviations. Key terms. 1. Introduction. 2. A brief description of punch marked coin. 3. Methodology. 4. Description, analysis and discussion of Mahasthan Hoard II. 5. Conclusion. Annexure I. Obverse symbols. Annexure II. Reverse symbols. Annexure III. Catalogue of Mahasthan Hoard II. Plates of coins of Mahasthan Hoard II. Bibliography. Index. Mahasthan Hoard II (275 coins) is the grand collection of punch marked coins in Bangladesh. The main focus of this research is to catalogue and classify the coins of this... More


Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. XV. Platyhelminthes and Nematoda

By Edited by Zia Uddin Ahmed

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 35.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

I. Platyhelminthes: Introduction. 1. Family Dactylogyridae. 2. Family Dicrocoeliidae. 3. Family Echinostomatidae. 4. Family Gorgoderidae. 5. Family Opecoelidae. 6. Family Paramphistomatidae. 7. Family Opisthorchiidae. 8. Family Acanthocolpidae. 9. Family Allocreadidae. 10. Family Lecithodrendriidae. 11. Family Troglotrematidae. 12. Family Bucephalidae. 13. Family Bunocotylidae. 14. Family Clinostomatidae. 15. Family Derogenidae. 16. Family Diplostomidae. 17. Family Faustilidae. 18. Family Isoparorchiidae. 19. Family Schistosomatidae. 20. Family Capingentidae. 21. Family Caryophyllaeidae. 22. Family Lytocestidae. 23. Family Anoplocephalidae. 24. Family Dilepididae. 25. Family Hymenolepidae. 26. Family... More


Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. XVI. Annelida Echinodermata Acanthocephala Minor Phyla

By Edited by Zia Uddin Ahmed

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 30.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Annelida. Family: 1. Megascolecidae. 2. Tubificidae. 3. Naididae. 4. Octochaetidae. 5. Almidae. 6. Ocnerodrilidae. 7. Glossocolecidae. 8. Moniligastridae. 9. Nereidae. 10. Eunicidae. 11. Glyceridae. 12. Hesionidae. 13. Nephthydidae. 14. Phyllodocidae. 15. Talehsapiidae. 16. Capitallidae. 17. Terebellidae. 18. Haemadipsidae. 19. Hirudidae. 20. Erpobdellidae. 21. Glossiphoniidae. 22. Ichthyobdellidae. 23. Astropectinidae. 24. Luidiidae. 25. Goniasteridae. 26. Arachnoididae. 27. Astriclypeidae. 28. Clypeasteridae. 29. Fibulariidae. 30. Laganidae. 31. Temnopleuridae. 32. Synaptidae. 33. Holothuriidae. 34. Stichopodidae. 35. Cucumariidae. 36. Amphiuridae. 37. Ophiactidae. 38. Ophiocomidae. 39. Ophiotrichidae.... More


Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh : Vol: 14: Protozoa to Gastrotricha

By Edited by Zia Uddin Ahmed

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 40.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Protozoa: 1. Introduction. 2. Sub-kingdom protozoa. 3. Phylum sarcomastigophora. 4. Subphylum mastigophora. 5. Class phytomastigophorea. 6. Subphylum Sarcodina. 7. Superclass Rhizopoda. 8. Phylum Microspora. 9. Phylum Apicomplexa. 10. Class Perkinsea. 11. Class Sporozoa. 12. Subclass Coccidia. 13. Subclass Piroplasmia. 14. Subclass Gregarinia. 15. Phylum Ciliophora. 16. Class Kinetophragminophorea. 17. Class Polymenophorea. 18. Class Oligohymenophorea. Porifera: Phylum porifera: i. Class Calcarea. ii. Class hexactinellida. iii. Class Demospongiae. Cnidaria: Phylum Cnidaria: i. Class Hydrozoa. ii. Class Scyphozoa. iii. Class Anthozoa. iv. Subclass... More


Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. IV. Algae : Charophyta-Rhodophyta (Achnanthaceae-Vaucheriaceae)

By Edited by Zia Uddin Ahmed

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 35.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Introduction. Division Charophyta: Family: 1. Characeae. Division Chrysophyta: Family: 2. Achnanthaceae. 3. Aulacoseiraceae. 4. Bacillariaceae. 5. Biddulphiaceae. 6. Chaetoceraceae. 7. Characiopsidaceae. 8. Chlorotheciaceae. 9. Coscinodiscaceae. 10. Cymbellaceae. 11. Dinobryaceae. 12. Epithemiaceae. 13. Eucampiaceae. 14. Eunotiaceae. 15. Fragilariaceae. 16. Gloeobotrydaceae. 17. Hemiaulaceae. 18. Hemidiscaceae. 19. Lauderiaceae. 20. Mallomonadaceae. 21. Melosiraceae. 22. Naviculaceae. 23. Pleurochloridaceae. 24. Rhizosoleniaceae. 25. Stylococcaceae. 26. Surirellaceae. 27. Thalassiosiraceae. 28. Tribonemataceae. 29. Triceratiaceae. 30. Vacuolariaceae. 31. Vaucheriaceae. Division Cryptophyta: Family: 1. Cryptomonadaceae. 2. Cryptochrysidaceae. Division Euglenophyta: Family: 1.... More


Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. XVIII, Part II.

By Edited by Zia Uddin Ahmed

Price : Rs1,000.00 | $ 30.00

Published by  : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh

Arthropoda: Crustacea, Merostomata, Myriapoda and Arachnida Complete in 5 Vols... More

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