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Qayyum Chowdhury : Art of Bangladesh Series-6

By Mofidul Hoque

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

Qayyum Chowdhury is one of the pioneering artists who chartered the path of art and paintings in Bangladesh and opened new vistas for all. He and his classmates were among the earliest group of students of the newly established Dhaka

Studies on the Fauna of Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park South Andaman w.s.r to Ichthyotauna and Entomofauna

By Kamala Devi and Suresh Kumar Shah

Price : Rs1,075.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Zoological Survey of India

Occasional Paper no 377 Introduction, Location, Topography, Climate, Vegetation, Fauna, Threats and Conservation, Materials and Methods, esults, Systematic Account, Discussion, Summary, Acknowledgement, references, plates

Liverworts and Hornworts of India an annotated checklist

By D K Singh, S K singh, Devendra Singh

Price : Rs650.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Botanical Survey of India

Foreword, Preface, Introduction, Earlier taxonomic research, Abbreviations used, Synopsis of the checklist, Endemics, Brygeographical regions of India, Presentation of the checklist, Enumeration, Doubtful, invalid and excluded taxa, appendix, References, Index

Calcutta Past and Present by Kathleen Blechynden

By Edited by N.R. Ray

Price : Rs595.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Aruna Prakashan

1. Early years. 2. The siege and capture. 3. Recovery and after. 4. Public buildings. 5. In Hastings

Netaji Subhaschandra

By Dinesh Mukhopadhyay

Price : Rs250.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Sagnik Books, Kolkata

Book forwarded by Major General A C Chatterjee, Balyakal O Chatra Jiban, Tyagi Sanyasi, Mandalayar Karagare O Karar Chithi, Swadhinater Sainik, ajad Hind Faujer Itihas


By Edited by Narendra Deb

Price : Rs400.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Sagnik Books, Kolkata

Shilpo guru Abanindra Nath Mahashilpi The function of art in shaping nationality Abanindra Nath Thakur er prhtom akar sthan Shilpo gurur bani

Vishnupur Temples Rhythm And Melody

By Barnali Dutta

Price : Rs2,100.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Bingsha Satabdi

Prologue, Temple Architecture, Dedicatory Inscriptions, Social life on Terracotta Panels, Religious and Economic Life, Rhythm and Melody, Epilogue bibliography and Index

Bankura a study of its Archaeological Sources

By Rupendra Kumar Chattopadhyay

Price : Rs1,995.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Platinum Publishers

Bankura Land and People, Paleolithic Bankura Sites and Artefacts, Microlith using Tradition of Bankura, Ground and Polished Stone Tools : Sites and Tool types, Early village Farming Phases, Early History Bankura, Early Medieval Bankura, Epilogue, Copper Hoard in Bankura

Tarakeswarer Taraka

By Aranya Sengupta

Price : Rs3,500.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Aranya Sengupta

Tarakeswarer Taraka (Othoba Elokeshi-Mohanta Upakhyan) is a limited-edition (print run 100) Artist's Book based on the infamous case of the Tarakeswar scandal of 1873 Hooghly. This book uses obsolete yet classical, handmade bookmaking techniques- ranging from hand-composed letterpress printing to

Hindu Deities in Thailand An Iconographic Study

By A K Bhattacharyya

Price : Rs1,250.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : The Asiatic Society, Kolkata

Hindusim in Thailand, Hindu Deities in Mon-Dvaravati times, Hindu Deities Under the Srivijaya Kingdom, Hindu Deities in Lophuri times, Hindu Deities inSukjothai Era and its Style, Hindu Deities in lanna Art, Hindu Deities Ayutthaya Times, Hindu Deities Rattanakosin Bangkok

Mahabharata of Vyasa Vol 12 Santi Parva Part 2

By Pradip Bhattacharya

Price : Rs2,500.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Writers Workshop

the Mahabharata of Vyasa Vol 12 the Complete Santi parva Part 2 Moksha dharma translated from Sanskrit by Pradip Bhattacharya

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