
B Chakraborty


Mahamuni Babaji's The Original Kriya


Price : Rs500.00 | $ 30.00

Published by  : B Chakraborty

How the Kriya Sutras were received, The Kriya sutras, the Birth Place of kriya, The Kriya network, The Kriya modification etc ... More


Complete Works of Lahiri Mahasay, Vol. I. Gitas and Sanghitas

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : B Chakraborty

1. Bhagavad Gita. 2. Guru Gita. 3. Omkar Gita. 4. Abadhuta Gita. 5. Kabir Gita. 6. Manu Sanghita. 7. Astabakra Sanghita. 8. Charak Sanghita. ... More


Complete Works of Lahiri Mahasay, Vol. IV. The Six Systems - Sara Darsan

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : B Chakraborty

1. The Sankhya Sutras of Siddha Kapil. 2. The Yoga Sutras of Yogi Patanjali. 3. The Nyaya Sutras of Sage Gautama. 4. The Vaisesika Sutras of Sage Kanada. 5. The Substance of Mimangsa of Sage Jaimini. 6. The Vedanta Darsan of Sage Badarayan. ... More


Complete Works of Lahiri Mahasay, Vol. III. The Upanishad

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : B Chakraborty

Introduction. The first publisher... More


Complete Works of Lahiri Mahasay, Vol. II. The Chandi : Glories of the Goddess and the Other Scriptures

Price : Rs0.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : B Chakraborty

1. The Chandi. 2. The Yantrasar. 3. The Tantrasar. 4. The Linga Puran. 5. Ancient Yogi Panini on Education. 6. The Kabir Doha (Couplets). 7. The Japaji (the first book) by Guru Nanak. ... More

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