


Marginal Europeans in Colonial India : 1860-1920

By Sarmistha De

Price : Rs450.00 | $ 20.00

Published by  : Thema

Introduction. 1. The European settlement in India: a colony not in the making. 2. Anatomy of European destitution in India. 3. The ailing self: prognosis and prescription. 4. White prostitutes: imperial morality in the red. 5. White prisoners: discipline and pamper. Conclusion. Bibliography. Appendices. Index... More


Mother of My Heart : The Story of Bivabati Bose

By Chitra Ghosh

Price : Rs395.00 | $ 0.00

Published by  : Thema

1. The Boses of Mahinagar. 2. The early days. 3. The lawyer establishes himself. 4. Politics takes precedence but life flows smoothly. 5. Life begins at Woodburn Park. 6. The Congress days. 7. The years after the war: Excitements and the joy of living. 8. Father... More


Talking the Political Culturally and Other Essays

By G.P. Deshpande

Price : Rs395.00 | $ 25.00

Published by  : Thema

1. Talking the political culturally: Notes for a cultural activist. 2. Literary cultures in history: Divided against themselves? 3. The classical and the colonial: A few tentative reflections. 4. Of progress and the Progressive Cultural Movement. 5. Chinese literature: An introductory essay. 6. Pakistan diary. 7. Philosophical discourse in modern Marathi. 8. Metaphysics and protest in modern Indian discourse on Buddhism. 9. Text, author and aesthetics. 10. Violence of culture: Three cases.... More

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