Handbook on Indian Wetland Birds and Their Conservation
By : Arun Kumar, J.P. Sati, P.C. Tak and J.R.B. Alfred,
Price : Rs2,000.00 | $ 70.00
Published by : Zoological Survey of India
Pages : 472pp plates
Year : 2005
ISBN : 8181710584
Foreword. How to use this book. 1. Introduction: i. Biogeography of India. ii. Wetland birds and their values. iii. Habitats. iv. Heronries. v. Migration. vi. Major waterbird flyways. vii. Watching wetland birds. 2. Bionomics of wetland birds: i. Checklist. ii. Waterbirds. iii. Wetland dependent and associated birds. 3. Status of wetland birds: i. Residential. ii. Abundance. iii. Conservation. 4. Socio-economics of wetlands: i. Values. ii. Threats. iii. Conservation. 5. Protected area network: i. Wetland Sanctuaries and National Parks. ii. Ramsar Sites. iii. Montreux Sites. iv. World heritage Sites. v. Important Bird Areas (IBAs). vi. Sacred wetlands. 6. Framework for conservation: i. National policies and laws. ii. International conventions, agreements and policies. iii. Co-ordination of action in the Asian region. iv. A Strategy for threatened wetland birds in India.